A collection of quick and healthy school lunches is something that every supermom has up her sleeve, ready to use whenever she needs. Which is all the time.
Coming up with new and improved ideas for school lunches is more difficult that you would think.
Well firstly, your kids need to like it, which is something that everyone knows can be nearly impossible, especially when you factor in things like allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances.
The second complication is that it needs to be quick. After already preparing breakfasts and cooking dinner, the last thing you want to do before bed is spend an hour in the kitchen making and packing lunches.
Then you run into the issue of packing it all up. Our selection of food accessories in stores or online should help you pack all those tricky snacks in an easy and eco-friendly way.
However, making sure your growing kids are getting their full supply of vitamins and nutrients is the last, but most important, thing that you need to factor in when you are planning and prepping those school lunches. Their midday meal should be rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, and fibrous grains, food that will keep them alert, happy, and focused on all the important things that they are learning.
So to help kick start this healthy school year, Mrs.Greenway has prepared a week's worth of lunch ideas, along with some great recipes (click the links!), that you and your little ones will love. Though you might have to invest around half an hour on the weekend to make some of the staples, they will last you all week, and you'll find yourself sneaking some too!
Yogurt with Mr.G's Homemade Granola
2 Banana Oaties with Walnuts and Cinnamon
Apple Slices
Carrot and Cucumber Spears with Beet Hummus
2 Banana Oaties with Walnuts and Cinnamon
Spinach Smoothie
¼ cup of almonds
Avocado and Tomato on Whole Wheat Toast Bread
Beet Hummus and Turkey Meat on Whole Wheat Bread
Fruit Skewer (use a metal straw if kids are too young for skewers)
Greek Yogurt with Berries and Walnuts
Bean Salad with Kale Chips
Feeling good about these quick and healthy school lunches? Keep feeling good by packing them in reusable containers that you and your kids will love.
And since sharing is caring, don't forget to share this sample menu and recipes with your family and friends!